
Understanding the Practice of the Big Blind in Poker

In poker games such as Texas Hold Em and Omaha, the players seated to the left of the dealer are the ones that pay the blinds at the start of each round. infrared ink

There are two blinds a big one and a small one. The player next to the dealer pays the small blind and the next player pays the big blind. The amount of each blind is set at the start of the game and increases every 15 minutes or in the case of a deep stack tournament, every 30 minutes. The small blind is equal to half of the minimum bet and the large blind is the full amount of the minimum bet.

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Blinds are forced bets that the players have to make in order to receive their first cards from the dealer. The main reason for this is to ensure that there is money in each pot for every round just in case all the players fold.   marked cards

Even when there is a dealer that does not play and only deals the cards, there is a button used to designate which player would be the dealer and so the players who pay the blinds change with each deal. The button rotates around the table and the players seated to the immediate left pay the blinds. This means that the person who pays the large blind in the first round will pay the small blind in the second round.

In a tournament there is an additional reason for the use of blinds. They help determine how long the game will last. Before the tournament starts, the organizer will set the amount of the bets and the players must agree to this structure.