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provides for the populace

Along the way, you can choose to either side with the New California Republic, a group of

lawmen and soldiers who want to bring order to the Mojave desert, or Caesar's Legion, slave

drivers who take their practices from the Roman Empire, though it's more Caesar's Palace

Casino than Chariots of Fire, with legionnaires in football pads led by Emperor Caesar

(pronounced Kay-sar), both of which want control of the Hoover Dam, and the energy it

provides for the populace. marked cards

Character interaction is also emphasized, with Reputation taking the place of Karma.

Whenever you finish a quest or simply attack the wrong person, in addition to gaining karma,

you have a chance to gain fame or infamy with a certain organization, such as small towns or

even entire governments.

Notable gameplay changes include the addition of iron sights to weapons, so free aiming has

come a long way from the pseudo-zoom-in present in Fallout 3. There is also a brand new

Hardcore Mode.

Hardcore Mode is for the dedicated Fallout players, as sleeping, eating and drinking are all

required, and the player can only heal themselves with help of a doctor or with the right

skills. Companions can also be ordered around now, with a new Companion Wheel making partner

management a lot easier.

"New Vegas," of course, has gambling minigames available for those who are feeling lucky,

but if you're too good you'Welcome to the Rileys" — Kristen Stewart, her sexuality so bound

up in vampire-induced abstinence in the "Twilight" films, makes up for lost time here. In

director Jake Scott's film (son of Ridley), she plays Mallory, a 16-year-old New Orleans  infrared contact lenses

stripper who dabbles in prostitution. Visiting businessman Doug Riley (James Gandolfini)

stumbles upon her. Still hurting from the death of his 15-year-old daughter with his wife

Lois (Melissa Leo), he plays father and reformer to Mallory. The scenes between them are the

best parts of the film. With a believable and not overstated Southern accent, the always

excellent Gandolfini is a lovable lug. Stewart, in what may be her best performance yet,

warms to his caring while vacillating between hard rage. But when Lois arrives, she upsets

their wonderful dynamic, and the movie's final third loses its equilibrium. The fine acting

and Scott's slow, natural build hides the film's outlandish underpinnings. The save-the-

prostitute-with-a-golden-heart cliche treads too obviously. 110 minutes. Two and a half

stars out of four.

Roulette Strategy For Beginners

Oh fine, the poster is hopelessly generic and pointless but it's not outright offensive.

Except for the tag line. "They're closer than you think." Are they suggesting that the

Muppets are in my heart? Because I can assure them there's nothing in there except for dust easy cards tricks

and a rabid miniature Wookie.

Here's the summary of the film's plot:

On vacation in Los Angeles, Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan, and his friends Gary

(Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) from Smalltown, USA, discover the nefarious plan of

oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater and drill for the oil recently

discovered beneath the Muppets' former stomping grounds. To stage The Greatest Muppet

Telethon Ever and raise the $10 million needed to save the theater, Walter, Mary and Gary

help Kermit reunite the Muppets, who have all gone their separate ways: Fozzie now performs

with a Reno casino tribute band called the Moopets, Miss Piggy is a plus-size fashion editor

at Vogue Paris, Animal is in a Santa Barbara clinic for anger management, and Gonzo is a

high-powered plumbing magnate. With secret, signature, celebrity cameos, "The Muppets" hits

the big screen Nov. 23, 2011.

The Red/Black system is one of the better known roulette systems around. Your bets for this

system are on either red or black, with your pay out 1 to 1, meaning your money is doubled

for a win. It is worth keeping in mind that your chances of winning each bet are just under
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50/50 due to the fact that the 0 and 00 gives the casino its advantage.

Basic Rules and Bets of Roulette
Features Of Roulette Game And The Wheel
Roulette Strategy For Beginners
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To begin you must choose a color and place your bet on either red or black. If you win, keep

your winnings and place your starting bet again. If you lose, double your stake and place a

bet on the same color again. If this bet wins, your net result after two bets is the same as

if you had one you initial bet. Keep your winnings and begin with your starting stake again.

If your second bet loses, double your stake again, and continue doing this until your color

does come up, at which point your net win from the string of bets will be the same as if you

won your starting bet. It doesn't take too many losing bets in a row for your bet amount to

climb to quite a big number. Be very aware of the table bet limit - if you reach this before

you have a win then you stand to lose a considerable amount.

The Five Number System calls for straight-up inside bets which offer a payout of 35 to 1.

You place your bets on five individual numbers. Don't forget 0 and 00 are part of the inside

numbers you can wager on. Pick any five numbers, they all have the exact same chance of

winning. Find a game where the minimum bet is no more than $5 and buy forty $1 chips ($40).

If you limit yourself to relatively small stakes you can't get badly hurt. With this system

you hope to get lucky two consecutive times. Start by placing one chip on each of your five

chosen numbers. Repeat this same wager until you win - you have enough chips for eight

tries. When the ball comes to rest on one of your numbers, you win 35 chips. Divide the 35

chips over your five number fields, seven on each. If you hit again the pay off will be 7 x

35 = $245. No matter what the outcome, this was your last spin. Smart gamblers know when to



Planning A Vegas Theme Party

If the lights, the excitement, and the lounge acts excite you, a Las Vegas casino career might be just the thing for you. Employment in Las Vegas is plentiful with casinos on every block, tourists and locals filling the seats with hopes to win a buck or at least break even. The Internet is a good place to start if you have experience working in a casino or have had casino training. If you have no experience, a casino training school is an option and it will certainly stand out on your resume. You will most likely start out on the bottom with unrelated jobs or cleaning, but the opportunities for advancement are many. cheat cards

Planning A Vegas Theme Party
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If you are seriously considering a career in the casino industry, a casino training school may be worth looking into. With the casino gaming industry on the rise, training is a great way to get the upper hand against your competition. Upon receiving training, you can work for the big name casinos and even on cruise ships.

It takes an enormous staff to run a casino and there is certainly more to it than the glamorous visions you see on television. Aside from the bartenders and dealers that are portrayed, it is actually the staff behind the scenes that keep things running smoothly. infrared ink

Just to list a few of the jobs on the main floor - Dealers, Slot waitresses, Table waitresses, Bartenders, Doormen, Porters, Cashiers, Writers, Slot machine personnel, Security guards, Booth personnel, Receptionists.

Behind the scenes there are more employment opportunities - Table money counters, Slot machine counters, Clerical staff, Auditors, Bouncers, Surveillance personnel, Cleaners and rubbish removal personnel, Marketers and advertisers, Information officers, Booking personnel, Hosts, Managers, Personnel management, Lawyers, Dock loaders, Chefs and kitchen staff, Dieticians, Camera ladies, Entertainers, Maintenance staff, Bouncers, Stock Buyers, Accountants.


Understanding the Practice of the Big Blind in Poker

In poker games such as Texas Hold Em and Omaha, the players seated to the left of the dealer are the ones that pay the blinds at the start of each round. infrared ink

There are two blinds a big one and a small one. The player next to the dealer pays the small blind and the next player pays the big blind. The amount of each blind is set at the start of the game and increases every 15 minutes or in the case of a deep stack tournament, every 30 minutes. The small blind is equal to half of the minimum bet and the large blind is the full amount of the minimum bet.

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Blinds are forced bets that the players have to make in order to receive their first cards from the dealer. The main reason for this is to ensure that there is money in each pot for every round just in case all the players fold.   marked cards

Even when there is a dealer that does not play and only deals the cards, there is a button used to designate which player would be the dealer and so the players who pay the blinds change with each deal. The button rotates around the table and the players seated to the immediate left pay the blinds. This means that the person who pays the large blind in the first round will pay the small blind in the second round.

In a tournament there is an additional reason for the use of blinds. They help determine how long the game will last. Before the tournament starts, the organizer will set the amount of the bets and the players must agree to this structure.


Cheating at Blackjack: The Laughlin Lay-a-way

Dealer Cheating at Blackjack: The Laughlin Lay-a-way

By Sam Case
(From Blackjack Forum Vol. II #3, September 1982)
© 1982 Blackjack Forum
I met Crazy Bob in a bar in Calgary (Alberta, Canada). I knew it was him by his "Crazy Bob � No Autographs, Please!" t-shirt. We had more than a few Molsons, and he turned me on to a dealer cheating technique I was unfamiliar with.

He had seen it executed by a sweet little old lady dealer on a blackjack table in Laughlin. Done casually, it took him a while to spot it. He said that the dealer would peek at the top card, and if it were a ten or an ace, she would simply lay it down with the discards. Nasty.marked cards

Even a blackjack dealer who never practices enough to become a good card mechanic could effectively cheat using the lay-a-way. After speaking to Crazy Bob, I worked out several variations on this cheating technique.

Blackjack Cheating Variation One: The Simple Version

Take a deck of cards, burn the top card, and deal out 4 or 5 hands. Put a ten on top of the deck. This is the card we'll lay-a-way.

Say we're at the point where the dealer has paid off all the players and is about to pick up all the discards. Reach over with your (empty) right hand towards third base and start to scoop up the cards. Let your left (deck) hand casually drift to first base. It's going to look as if you're going to put that hand down for balance, but here's where the dirty work happens.

As your deck hand moves, you turn it over so the back of your hand is uppermost (the deck is upside down). When your deck hand is almost over the first base cards, slide the top card slightly towards the right with the fingers of the left hand. This is where you can peek. (If the dealer didn't know there was a ten on top, she would now. If she saw a small card, she would simply slide it back and keep it in play.)

But since we have a ten under control, we lay-a-way the card as follows: press the ten down onto the table with the left thumb, while releasing it with the left fingers.

You can plop it down where the next first base hit card should have been and keep it covered by the rest of the deck, held close to the table.The main work of the lay-a-way is now over. The ten is lying face-up on the table, hidden by the resting left hand.

Meanwhile, the right hand has been scooping other hands. When it reaches first base, move your left hand away as the right scoops up the cards, and WHOOSH! That's it. The whole thing takes place in a couple of seconds.

The main tip-off is placing the deck hand on top of the table on or near cards already on the table. Players are not allowed to touch cards on the table and neither are the dealers, except as required by the necessary procedures of dealing the game. Beware of any dealer whose hands ever, however casually or briefly, touch or rest on or near a played hand.

Blackjack Cheating Variation Two: Harder Version

For this version the cheating dealer must be able to execute one of the standard peeks (back peek, gambler's peek, etc.). Since the value of the top card can be discerned before the lay-a-way move, the dealer can do the slide differently.

She could slide the card to the left, using her thumb, and she could extend the fingers of her left hand to press the card down. Everything else would be the same, so the main tip-off still works.

A dealer might also lay-a-way the card on her own hand, rather than the first base hand, so the dealer can use this move in head-on play also. When you're playing head-on, you're pretty busy, so when you look away, she may try:

Blackjack Cheating Variation Three: Bastard Version

Technically, this is not a lay-a-way, but a one-handed top card burn. It works like the lay-a-way in that it removes a good card from play.marked cards contact lenses

The fingers of the left (deck) hand peel off the top card and slide it under the deck, face up. If left uncovered, this move is as obvious as a pregnant nun, so you can spot it if you keep the deck in your peripheral vision.

The only useful cover for the move is to hide the deck from view for a split second with the other hand. Be sure to follow the Case Cardinal rule: Never Play Against a Dealer Who Hides the Deck, Even for a Second.

Thanks again to Crazy Bob for this variation on the second deal. If any readers spot cheating or suspicious moves with cards, please alert Arnold Snyder. These old moves are all showing up again now that there are all of these 6:5 handheld games. ♠

[Note from Arnold Snyder: During a recent period of intense play on handheld games in Las Vegas, we were averaging one cheating blackjack dealer per week. Never let your guard down on handheld games, even on the Las Vegas Strip.


Internet Gambling Laws: U.S., U.K. And the World

Legal minds turned to Internet gambling laws as a specialty when the industry went beyond growth and exploded into the public mind. "The law surrounding Internet gambling in the United States has been murky, to say the least," according to Lawrence G. Walters, one of the attorneys working with www.gameattorneys.com.infrared contact lenses

In contrast, Internet gambling laws in the U.K. have made the lives of providers and players a bit easier. The passage of the Gambling Act of 2005 has basically legalized and regulated online play in the U.K.

With the objectives of keeping gambling from promoting "crime or disorder" the U.K. act attempts to keep gambling fair, in addition to protecting younger citizens and others who may be victimized by gambling operation. Unlike the United States, which still clings to the 1961 Wire Wager Act, the U.K. significantly relaxed regulations that are decades old. A gambling commission was established to enforce the code and license operators.

A Whole Other Country

According to Walters and many other observers of the Internet gambling laws scene, the United States Department of Justice continues to view all gambling on the Internet as illegal under the Wire Act. But there are details in the federal law that defy attempts to throw a blanket over all online gambling.

The Wire Wager Act forms the basis for federal action on Internet gambling laws in the United States. The law was meant to complement and support laws in the various states, focusing primarily on "being engaged in the business of betting or wagering" using wire communication to place bets or wagers on sporting events or similar contests. The law also comments on receiving money or credit that results from such a wager. The keys are "business," "money or credit" and "wire communication facility."card cheating

But as many attorneys and proponents of fair Internet gambling laws emphasize, the federal law does not specifically address other forms of gambling. This has left the law open to interpretation when it comes to online casinos specifically and using the World Wide Web to play online games.

October 13, 2006 is a crucial date in the controversy surrounding the legalization of gambling. For anyone wishing to understand Internet gambling laws, the federal law passed on that day is essential knowledge. President George W. Bush signed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), which is intended to limit some "financial transactions" used for online gambling.

But even if current federal gambling laws can clearly define something as simple as a legal gambling age, the newer UIGEA has not settled all the dust raised around the issue of online gambling. Attorneys such as Walters (and many others) have pointed out that the UIGEA seems to refer only to financial transactions and wagers that are illegal where the wager or transaction is made. Some wagers may be legal while others may not be legal. It's as simple as that.

The UIGEA had some effect on Internet gambling, in that many successful companies got out of the business, at least in the United States. In fact, with the passage of the law in 2006, most U.S. online players found they could not play at an online casino or poker room, for a short time. Many of the gambling providers found ways to establish offices and servers outside of the U.S. so that could invite United States players back in.

Break Time

It's now time to stop, take a deep breath and turn to Internet gambling laws in the various states. Some have passed their own rules and regulations (before and after UIGEA). In a few states, companies cannot operate an online gambling business. In other states it is illegal for an individual to place a bet using the Web. Some legal experts argue that these individual-state rules are unconstitutional since commerce across state lines should only be regulated by federal law, not state law. Commercial online gambling businesses don't operate in the United States, however. If you want to visit their "home offices" you may have to travel to Malta, Gibraltar or Curacoa.

The 2005 U.K. law generally allows remote sites such as these. The rules are not so relaxed in the U.S. However, a recent appellate court ruling in the U.S. states that, in at least one case, an Web-based gambling site did not violate states laws. Most legal minds urge gamblers and others interested in the issue to stay tuned.

Some have given their attention to finding benefits of legalized gambling, noting that this huge industry might be a key to economic recovery in the United States. At the heart of their argument are examples such as established lotteries run by various states, in addition to the government revenues that flow in to state coffers from riverboats and land-based casinos.

Part of this effort rests on the shoulders of more than 100 legal representatives working for common sense in Internet gambling laws. This hoard of attorneys has the task of trying to keep the World Wide Web/Internet free from government intervention.

Bob Ciaffone is considered one of the experts on the subject of gambling and poker in general, and on the transition to online gambling. He suggests that any regulation of Web-based gambling should reduce competition from outside the U.S., so that the citizens of the U.S. would benefit in legal gambling states. His detailed plan would parallel the U.K. situation since that country passed its 2005 rules. Ciaffone also strongly urges U.S. lawmakers to keep Internet gambling laws separate from the 40-year-old Wire Act, which was passed to control illegal gambling over the telephone.

In essence, Ciaffone writes that the UIGEA attempted to do the right thing, but does it in all the wrong ways. The restrictions have severely handicapped what could be a great revenue source with proper regulation, according to Ciaffone.

Consider a statement on the UIGEA from the most-recognizable poker player in the world, Doyle Brunson. Though is comments apply to his favorite game of poker, they can easily relate to all Internet gambling laws. He said, in essence, that his company received good legal advice that indicates Internet poker is not "expressly" illegal. He encourages U.S. players to learn the laws of their own state.

While this brief summary touches only the high points of a huge and complex subject, there are sources that have already compiled details for the various states. Check these sites: